You are working your way down your lengthy to-do list and see it’s time to find a stationer! Stationery can be really overwhelming. Custom, Semi-Custom, Minted, Shutterfly, there are so many choices and it can be really overwhelming. That is why I am writing this post… to help break down some of the confusion and give you exactly what to look for when it comes to choosing a stationery designer!
Just like I mentioned in my post about venue shopping, sometimes it takes reaching out to a few designers to see what their average cost is in order to get a sense of what a standard budget should be based on what you are looking for! Know your must-haves and your compromises. If gold foil press is a must-have, your budget will be significantly higher than for someone who is looking for a non-custom piece on Minted! It is good to do some research, learn the ranges and then see what is a realistic budget to set!
Just like photographers, stationers have a unique style that is specific to them! Look on their Instagram, website, and Pinterest to see if you fall in love with their work! If not, then they probably aren’t the one for you! Keep in mind to never ask a stationer to copy someone else’s design. These are protected works that can only be used by the designer It is better to go to that particular designer of the original work!
As I mentioned above, if a must-have is gold foil, look for a stationer who offers this print method! There are other offerings that can be really important to couples such as envelope addressing, assembly & mailing, specific embellishments, venue illustrations, etc. Use that must-have list you determined in the first section to ensure your stationer can provide you with exactly what you need!
Have you ever worked with someone and although you loved the end result, they were miserable to work with? That totally discredits the work, in my opinion. This is why when choosing a stationer, it is really important you connect with them and really love their personality! You will work closely together with this vendor for up to a year before your wedding day, so it’s important that you chose someone you will enjoy working with.
Reach out for investment guides and set up those phone consultations! It is time to get the ball rolling!